Tuesday 19 June 2012

I can eat what I want because I'm a grown-up

hello blog world, or future me, because I'm the only one reading this blog.
I've been thinking lately about food. Maybe it started when Rob said I never put hot things in my mouth, like when he asks me to taste his soup. Then I started thinking about how I only eat 5 things (6 now I eat dates).
So today I was thinking...here is my list...
I like cold food,
I like frozen food
I like to eat things I can hold
I like to eat with my fingers
I like to eat with a fork
I dislike eating with a spoon, although I like cereal
I don't like when the spoon or fork touches my lips (that one sounds really weird)
I like most vegetables, but not many fruits,

green actually, I like almost everything green, and am now trying to eat orange for my eyes.
fresh strawberries, and raspberries
dates (are they a fruit?)
noodles and pasta
thinner is better
don't like UDON

I like sugar, and salt
and have learned to like pickles and olives, but they are not
a natural flavour for me. I like creamy not juicy ie smoothies, and I like chewy like hemp and oats, not toffee.

Now imagine how a child could possibly explain that. That they like finger foods, even when they are over finger food age, it might just seem like all they want is chicken nuggets but really they just want something they can pick up.

The other thing. I want to eat the same thing almost everyday. I don't need a lot of variety in my diet, and I like plain rather bland food.

so my food log for yesterday:
2 bananna
4 ish dates
couple frozen snack bars
2 choc chip cookies
6" of baguette
bowl of Kraft dinner and pickles

some snack bar
couple coffees
smoothy with the works
so far.

Glad to get these thoughts down
maybe can start using this as a food log
that's all for today

Wednesday 23 May 2012

45 plus ???

apparently I am better at running than blogging, because I haven't blogged in five and a half months but I've been running as much as possible. I try to jog the other way now, start at Old Mill and that way I can run a little farther each time, I"ve gone past the park 3 times now, once to the bench, once to the tree, and this last weekend to a farther tree.
This week however I've had a great breakthrough. Yesterday I ran from King George to Bloor, going down Willard, across to Armandale, then up to Annette and across to Jane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!without stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I ran down Willard to Bloor up Durie and half way up to St Johns on Beresford. (went pretty slow though)
I'm reading a book from the library called Better, Stronger, Faster so I may be changing my routine soon. I play hockey Monday's until the end of June, then I don't know what I"ll be doing. Susan is doing a decathlon! and I told her I would do a 5k with her (no idea why I said that, peer pressure I'm sure), good to have goals right.
oh and there was this other big thing
I quit smoking in February. I"m not sure if that helped my running, or my hockey. I sure got fat so I know that isn't helping. I'm not feeling like I"m so much more winded, not coughing in the morning, and my lungs feel clearer, but I'm not tearing up the ice rink or the run track. But I still know it is best. and am proud of myself.
there updated, once day I can come back and read this and be like oh yeah I remember when I could only run for 15 minutes without stopping!!! (that's how long it took me to run from the old mill to the second tree on Monday. Feel I need to push harder every day, I was a bit sick a couple weeks ago and still feel a little sub par, but still want to push myself, and to do that you have to set the bar, so you can clear it and move up right?
okay now I"m really done

Thursday 8 December 2011

30 days plus 1

well here I am 45 years and 31 days old.!
I thought I would give this new running thing a go for 30 days and that is all it seems to take for addiction to take hold.
the update:
I did end up going to hockey on Friday, that was great, fell down, but didn't fall behind. Saturday I went running with V, also great, Monday hockey, great, and today running with C.oh and last night I went to a shooting clinic at Future Stars, that was amazing. I hit the nail on the board too many times for it to have been a fluke! and within 5 minutes of being there he picked out a bad habit I have when I stick handle!
On the food front, not too bad, eating lots of raw, skipped having a smoothie for a few days so have to get back on track with that, and yes I have cut back on the white poisons. Ironically yesterday I bought a spanikopita for supper and as I was eating it I kept thinking, this isn't going to help my hockey game!
(Ate it anyway of course)

Am I going to continue this little 30 day experiment. I believe yes. I feel great, my hockey can only get better, and okay here it is. I want to be a runner.
Maybe I need to change the name of my blog now to hmmmmm let's say 45 plus 30 plus 30 more
That way I'm not over committing myself.
I think I'm feeling really good about all this
yay me

Wednesday 30 November 2011

It's been a slow week....

on the exercise front. I've been sick so I haven't done much.
Since last Wednesday, I ran, on Saturday with V, that went well, Monday I played hockey, so so, and yesterday I went to my first pilates class. That Pilates is a weird thing. I kept waiting for the work out to start and it never did. To be completely honest, I do feel a bit stiff in my 'core' muscle today, but certainly not sore or hurting. And it was kind of boring. I think I"m a bit to much of a 'turbo' type to really be into pilates. Maybe yoga I could do because I like stretching and convening with the universe, so I will try that next. I wonder if people go to pilates, and then say "I worked out today, I went to pilates" For me, pilates doesn't count as a work out, (sorry).
I am eating healthy I think, lots of raw, okay well there was that chip indulgence on Monday night, but I' still doing smoothies everyday, and an energy bar, spinach wrap for lunch, and veggies and dip for dinner last night.
I really want to go to the Den of S&M, but I'm afraid because I am still not 100%. I didn't go to hockey last Friday, and don't know if I'm up for it this Friday either. Verr disappointing. But I know even just Monday hockey, wore me out, so I know Friday will be too much.
Well that's the update. One run, One hockey, One pilates,  in one week,
not proud, need to get back on track.In a perfect world I would run 3X a week, I'm going to tell C. right now

Wednesday 23 November 2011

15 days in

I can't believe that I'm half way to 30 days, how the heck did that happen. Do months always whip by so quickly?
As I said in my last post I was crippled from the Den of S and M on Friday. That over doing at the boxing gym has led to a downhill spiral. Friday night I started to get sick, as well as crippled, and Saturday morning, I resorted to Motrin. All day saturday, we were at a hockey tournament, so there was no excercise, and not much healthy food. I fell asleep on the couch before the first hockey game was over.
Sunday I was up really early and went for a run with Veronica. Who, as it turns out, is an excellent running partner. I felt better after that run, but my cold was hitting full tilt, and I started to cough. Monday was hockey, not that hard but I know I'm feeling run down. Tuesday rest and this morning!!!
This morning, HRH dropped me off at the park, and I ran nonstop from the playground to the little hill, then walked over the hill, ran to the wall, and back to the little hill. Then I walked to the loopy thing, and ran back to the playground. The hardest part was walking up the hill on the way home! H.C.
I found if I don't think too much about what I'm doing I can run much farther. And don't look how much further you have to go, or want to go, just look up and say "wow look how far I've come"
Today was my 6th run EVER. It is like some sort of miracle. I'm sick, so I feel I need to walk / run
that fine line between keeping going to work it out; and too much. Better nutrition, lots of rest. That's all I really know.

I feel like I should go for a nap right now though.
nighty night

Friday 18 November 2011


Hello blog world
apparently I am better at exercise than blogging.

Here is what I have done since my first post:
Tuesday: first time jogging ever, Magwood to Old Mill and back
Wednesday: crippled
Thursday: Magwood to Old Mill and back, more running less walking, 
Friday: Boxing, or as I will from now on refer to it. The den of S and M
Saturday: crippled
Sunday: ran around the block for half an hour, torturous and boring.
Monday: Hockey, perhaps a slight more stamina, hard to tell for sure.
Tuesday: running, twice around High Park
Wednesday: rest, hour and a half evening walk with V
Thursday: To the den of Sand M
Friday: crippled.

So that brings us to today. Last weekend I went through a pretty crazy detox, but am perhaps past that now.
Need to eat better, stop with the white poisons. Feeling like on the verge of a cold, which I understand when you detox and over do you become more susceptible.

So that's the update, til next time.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Happy Birthday to me

Hello blog world

today is my 45th birthday, and this week something amazing happened. I was telling my friend cathy how it was so weird, how I can skate, and bike and play ball sports, but to RUN! ie jog. Impossible.
Cathy said when she started jogging she couldn't do it, and it took her 5 years to be able to jog far.
She said you just have to go slow.
Okay I said, let's go tomorrow.
Guess what.......I can jog!!!!!!!!!!!
I just had to slow down. Cathy pointed out that I'm a sprinter, and I thought about it....and she's right!
I am a sprinter, all the sports I play are sprinty sports. WOW
So 2 days before I turned 45 I discovered I could do something that I was completely convinced I could not do.
And it's all thanks to Cathy. I told her it was the best birthday present I ever got.

So the reason I started this blog was to journal, for the next 30 days (ish) my athletic? workout? jogging? journey.
There will be lots of food stuff too.